









3)有良好的力学或材料工程基础背景,熟练的计算机编程能力(如 Matlab,Comsol,Python等);




2) 拥有优良的工作环境和境内外合作交流机会,两年博士后在站期间课题组提供3万元学术交流经费资助。










1) 聘期6个月-2年,年薪4.8-12万(税前),学校按规定缴纳“五险一金”;享受教职工相关福利待遇。

2) 根据项目贡献程度,提供项目绩效奖励。


申请人请将简历和相关材料发送至 qinghua.qin@smbu.edu.cn,邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名+深圳本地网,【快捷投递:点击下方立即投递/投递简历,即刻进行职位报名】


秦庆华博士,曾于2004-2021在澳大利亚国立大学担任全职教授。为国家级人才项目获得者、深圳市海外引进高精尖紧缺人才,全球前2%顶尖科学家。自2016以来,连续被列为爱思维尔中国高被引学者;2021年4月加入深圳北理莫斯科大学,任材料科学系教授。目前为三个杂志的主编和五个 SCI 杂志编委。已培养了多名博士生、博士后。先后主持过澳大利亚、中国国家级项目十余项,目前在研国家级、广东省、深圳市科研项目各一项。现所负责团队包括一名教授,一名副教授,两名高级讲师。

论文与著作:发表 SCI 收录期刊论文400多篇 (包括 Nano Letters, ACS Nano,
Biomaterials, Light-Science & Applications, Chemical Engineering Journal等影响因子 10 以上 的 Top 期刊15 篇,4 篇SCI论文入选 ESI 高被引。编辑出版Book Chapter 19 篇,出版英文专著 9 部、中文著作 1 部(高教出版社)。 研究成果被众多研究人员引用,如在google scholar上显示为:14488 次(单篇最高引用 676 次), h-指数为 61。




Positions of
postdoctoral fellows and research assistants at Mechanics and Materials Division,
Shenzhen MSU-BIT University

We are seeking
qualified postdoctoral researchers and research assistants to join our team
working with cutting edge technologies in the fields of computational
mechanics, smart materials and structures, nanomaterials mechanics and


1. postdoctoral fellow



Engage in the research of efficient
numerical algorithms combining computational mechanics and artificial
intelligence and its applications in production design of advanced materials,
preparation process, optimization design of parts’ structure, and numerical
simulation of additive manufacturing process; or in the design and preparation
of related metamaterials Research.


About you

1)Hold or is about to be awarded
PhD in mechanics, mechanical engineering or materials engineering;

2)Generally, under the age of 35;PhD graduation within 3 years

3)Have a good background in
mechanics or materials engineering, and/or have demonstrated experience in
computer programming (such as Matlab, Comsol, Python, etc.)

4) Have good communication skills
in professional English; be enthusiastic about scientific research and with
diligence, conscientiousness and responsibility; be able to carry out
scientific research work independently,
and meanwhile have teamwork spirit.


Remuneration and
development opportunities

1) Post-doctoral employment term is full
time, fixed term for two years, with a base salary of 300,000 yuan per year. The
university will pay the so-called five insurances and one housing fund in
accordance with the relevant regulations of Shenzhen City,
and the holiday benefits are paid in accordance with the university’s teaching
and research staff standards. Besides, on-campus or off-campus talent housing
support may be applied for.

2)With an
excellent working environment and opportunities for cooperation and exchange at
home and abroad, 30,000 yuan of academic exchange funding will be provided
during the two-year postdoctoral term.

3)Those who are
qualified can apply for relevant national, Guangdong and Shenzhen talent
programs. The awarded applicants will enjoy corresponding talent subsidies. Have the opportunity to participate in the technology industrialization
research and development of relevant companies and enterprises. Upon expiration
of their term, those who are particularly outstanding may get the opportunity
to be promoted to lecturer or associate professor in the school or be
recommended to relevant companies and enterprises for promoting researcher
engineer or senior engineer.

4)During the term,
the postdoc will be encouraged to apply, on the base of the university, for
post-doctoral funds and scientific research projects funded by Shenzhen,
Guangdong Province, the National Fund Committee, and the Ministry of Science
and Technology. And the applications for industry funded project are also


2.Research assistant


Job responsibilities

Assist the
research team in the scientific research work, including computer programming,
modeling building, data processing; assist the members of the research group to
do experimental research, and assist in drafting project applications, manuscripts
and other forms of data presentation for scientific communication, etc.


Selection criteria

1)Have obtained a
master’s or bachelor’s degree in mechanics, mechanical engineering or materials
engineering, etc. in 2022 or 2023;

2)Have a good
foundation in mechanics or materials engineering, or experience in computer
programming (such as Matlab, Comsol, Python, etc.)



1) The
employment period is from 6 months to 2 years. The annual salary is between¥48,000-120,000
(before tax),
depending on candidates’ research
experience, qualification and working hours. The university will pay “five
insurances and one housing fund” according to the regulations. Successful
candidates will also enjoy the relevant welfare benefits of the teaching and
research staff.

2) Performance bonus
is provided according to project contribution.


How to apply

candidates are invited to send a copy of their CV and a cover letter to qinghua.qin@smbu.edu.cn We regret that only shortlisted candidates
will be notified.




Dr. Qinghua Qin was a full professor at
the Australian National Universityfrom 2004 to 2021. The winner of the national talent project, the top 2% top
scientists in the world, the high-caliber and top-notch talents introduced by
Shenzhen from overseas. Since 2016, he has been continuously listed as Elsevier
China Highly Cited Scholar. In April 2021, he joined Shenzhen MSU-BIT University as a professor
in the Department of Materials Science. He is currently the editor-in-chief of
three journals and an editorial board member of five SCI journals. He has
trained many doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows, served as professors
in well-known universities at home and abroad, and presided over more than ten
national-level projects. The team currently in charge includes a professor, an
associate professor, and two senior lecturers.


Papers and Books: Published more than 400
papers in SCI journals (including Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Biomaterials,
Light-Science & Applications, Chemical Engineering Journal and other Top
journals with an impact factor of more than 10, 4 SCI papers were selected for
ESI Citations. Edited and published 19 Book Chapter articles, 9 English
monographs and 1 Chinese book (Higher Education Press). The research results
have been cited by many researchers, such as 14488 times on google scholar (the
highest citation for a single article is 676). times), the h-index is 61.


About SMBU



Founded under the important consensus
between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin, SMBU
is a Sino-foreign cooperative university jointly established by the People’s
Government of Shenzhen Municipality, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Beijing
Institute of Technology. With an aim to build a comprehensive university of
world-class standards and unique characteristics, the SMBU is committed to
bringing together elite education, frontier scientific research and
technological innovation to meet the national interests. Moving forward under China’s Belt
and Road Initiative and for enhancing Sino-Russian strategic cooperation and
regional economic and social development, the university endeavors to take on
the glorious missions of nurturing high-quality innovative talents, and
producing research works of scholarly excellence.

上一篇 2024年3月20日 下午8:03
下一篇 2024年3月20日 下午8:03


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